domingo, 5 de abril de 2009

The person who studies literature and understands it will become, not a specialist in literary analysis but an expert in being human

I have read a lot of books. The range of books I have studied is quite huge. I have read from easy and short books like “The three little pigs” to very difficult and extensive ones like “Dubliners”. But none of those readings have given me the authority to say that I am a know-all reader. In fact, reading has opened my mind, it has increased the points of view I have about the world. Reading such a quantity and variety of books has enlarged my own knowledge about human beings.

The more I read the more I get a bit closer to the understanding of being a human. Reading, more than increasing the knowledge about literature, it increases our understanding of the world and the relationship between men and women. Literature opens our eyes and liberates us from the limits of our senses. It takes us to other worlds through the pages of books.

The question to reflect on is: am I reading literature to becoming a master of books or am I reading for my own realization as a human? The answer is simple: I read because I like reading and the more a go through a book, the more I know about myself.