miércoles, 29 de abril de 2009

Women... do we really know about them or we just think we know them?

If I’d start thinking about this question without knowing anything about women I would say that women want to be loved above all things. However, this assumption of mine has to do with all the prejudices that we, as men, tend to have towards women. So the first thing that I should do before trying to answer this question is to throw away all kind of preconceptions and wrong thoughts about women. Then I could respond, free of misassumptions.

What women love most is that men know exactly what they really want. Girls hate being almost shouting to men’s faces what they need. They want to have a sensitive but, at the same time, a strong and mature man, who always be there when they need. But not as a way of protecting them but, a man who can be respectful about their thoughts and beliefs without looking down one's nose at them.

Regarding to Chaucer’s tale, the woman described, tried to find all what it was written before. The only problem was that her society was not able to recognize what she really deserved or wanted. She was not an advanced woman, she only fought for what she deserved; her own happiness.

viernes, 17 de abril de 2009


Chaucer called this poem “truth” because is calling us to follow the road of being honest, the path of being trustful with your fellowman. It is called “truth” because we are surrounded by too much lie and craving for money, which makes the chase of truth a matter of real significance.

If we analyze the phrase “for greed entails hate and social climbing uncertainty” we can relate it to our own society, where the economic system has forced to people to wish and buy everything, even unnecessary stuff for their “personal fulfillment”. The desire of having more and more material goods has led to people to forget the real meaning of life; happiness and simple thing values.

It is easy to recognize the religious implications in this poem because the author is implicitly calling us to follow the “right path” of being a good person in order to reach the heaven, where all good fellowman live in eternal grace.

After reading this poem, the first thought that came to my mind was the time when the new Iphone was going to be put up for sale here in Chile. Many people got crazy for buying it. They even slept outside stores the day of the sale of the Iphone, with the purpose of being the first one in having it. While, on the other side of town, people were dying of hungry. Our two sad sides of our country

miércoles, 8 de abril de 2009

Epic story

When I think of an epic I
immediately tend to relate it to a hero, to bravery, to wars and fights against evilness. An epic story has to have a hero and, of course the counterpart: his/ her enemy.
An epic story has also count with a journey that has to be made by the hero. He/she is the one who has to begin this journey and within it learn and grown in spirit, strength and values. At the end of this trip the heron has to reflect on what he/she has been through.

domingo, 5 de abril de 2009

The person who studies literature and understands it will become, not a specialist in literary analysis but an expert in being human

I have read a lot of books. The range of books I have studied is quite huge. I have read from easy and short books like “The three little pigs” to very difficult and extensive ones like “Dubliners”. But none of those readings have given me the authority to say that I am a know-all reader. In fact, reading has opened my mind, it has increased the points of view I have about the world. Reading such a quantity and variety of books has enlarged my own knowledge about human beings.

The more I read the more I get a bit closer to the understanding of being a human. Reading, more than increasing the knowledge about literature, it increases our understanding of the world and the relationship between men and women. Literature opens our eyes and liberates us from the limits of our senses. It takes us to other worlds through the pages of books.

The question to reflect on is: am I reading literature to becoming a master of books or am I reading for my own realization as a human? The answer is simple: I read because I like reading and the more a go through a book, the more I know about myself.