If I’d start thinking about this question without knowing anything about women I would say that women want to be loved above all things. However, this assumption of mine has to do with all the prejudices that we, as men, tend to have towards women. So the first thing that I should do before trying to answer this question is to throw away all kind of preconceptions and wrong thoughts about women. Then I could respond, free of misassumptions.
What women love most is that men know exactly what they really want. Girls hate being almost shouting to men’s faces what they need. They want to have a sensitive but, at the same time, a strong and mature man, who always be there when they need. But not as a way of protecting them but, a man who can be respectful about their thoughts and beliefs without looking down one's nose at them.
Regarding to Chaucer’s tale, the woman described, tried to find all what it was written before. The only problem was that her society was not able to recognize what she really deserved or wanted. She was not an advanced woman, she only fought for what she deserved; her own happiness.