First of all, it is important to know that this letter was written with a non-explicit intention. If the reader only follows what words say, he or she can easily loose the attention point and can misunderstand the function of the letter readily. Not everything that it is written must be seen literally but the reader should read between lines in order to get the real meaning of the epistle.
This letter is an allegory which leads us immediately not to rely on what it is explicitly written but we ought to be aware of its intended meaning. The author wrote this with a clear point; get from the Queen the support needed for his resourcefulness. What Spencer is trying to convey is his critique about the social and politic issues of his time. But, he is aware that criticizing directly to the dominant power was a suicidal act. So that is why he decided to write this letter with an intended connotation but that it was hidden behind kind and nice words.
After presenting some aspects of the allegory written by Spencer I am going to give my understanding about what a moral virtue is, in order to discuss my point of view from this term.
Moral virtue has to do with consistency, if a person declares that he or she is going to act according to the moral rules of his/her time this person is bound to the words pronounced by him/her. In other words, the person must do what he/she has said; otherwise this person is not going to be consequent with his/her thoughts and beliefs.