Daffodils, by WordsworthDaffodils are reflection of nature in our lives, the essence of the simplest form of life. In this nonstop life, where humans do not have the time (or the will) to stop and contemplate nature, Daffodils come to amaze our sight and to teach us that there is beauty and peace in nature that has been hidden to our eyes due to our blindness caused by our too rationalized life.
However, when we start realizing that there is more than just concrete, reason, and objective elements in our existence, we allow nature to show us the mighty power of it, where beauty has its maximum expression.
When the author refers to “A poet could not but be gay, in such a jocund company” is trying to express that there is no comparison when eyes are opened to the attractiveness of nature. Nothing can be more gorgeous that witnessing and being able to read nature’s words.